Source code for


:synopsis: Specialized :class:`ptp.libptp.parser.AbstractParser` classes for the tool Hoppy.

.. moduleauthor:: DoomTaper


import re

from ptp.libptp import constants
from ptp.libptp.exceptions import NotSupportedVersionError
from ptp.libptp.parser import FileParser

[docs]class HoppyParser(FileParser): """Hoppy specialized parser.""" __tool__ = 'hoppy' __version__ = r'1\.[0-9]+(\.[0-9]+)?' _re_version = re.compile(r"\D{3} \S+ (\d\.\d+\.\d+) \S") _re_transaction = re.compile(r"(?<=We Sent:)\n.*?(\S+ /.*?)\n(?=\n\t\D{3} Parsed Response:)", re.S) _re_request = re.compile(r"(\S+ /.*?)\n(?=Server)", re.S) _re_response = re.compile(r"(?<=Responded:\n\n)(.*)", re.S) _re_response_status_code = re.compile(r"(?<=HTTP/\w.\w )(.*)") _re_response_parse = re.compile(r"(?P<headers>HTTP.*?)\n(?=\r\n)(?P<body>.*)", re.S)
[docs] def __init__(self, pathname, filename='*.spider', **kwargs): """Initialize HoppyParser. :param str pathname: Path to the report directory. :param str filename: Regex matching the report file. """ FileParser.__init__(self, pathname, filename, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def is_mine(cls, pathname, filename='*.summary', light=False, first=True): """Check if it can handle the report file. :param str pathname: Path to the report directory. :param str filename: Regex matching the report file. :param bool light: `True` to only parse the ranking of the findings from the report. :param bool first: Only process first file (``True``) or each file that matched (``False``). :return: `True` if it supports the report, `False` otherwise. :rtype: :class:`bool` """ cls.pathname = pathname try: stream = cls.handle_file(pathname, filename, first=first) except (TypeError): return False version = cls._re_version.findall(stream) if not version: return False if len(version) >= 1: # In case we found several version numbers. version = version[0] if not re.findall(cls.__version__, version, re.IGNORECASE): return False cls.version = version return True
[docs] def parse_metadata(self): """Parse the metadata of the report. :raises: :class:`NotSupportedVersionError` -- if it does not support the version of this report. :return: The metadata of the report. :rtype: dict """ # TODO: Retrieve the other metadata likes the date, etc. metadata = {'version': self.version} if self.check_version(metadata): self.metadata = metadata else: raise NotSupportedVersionError('PTP does NOT support this version of Hoppy.') return self.metadata
[docs] def parse_report(self): """Parse the results of the report. :return: List of dicts where each one has a request and response. :rtype: :class:`list` """ = [] data = [] transactions = self._re_transaction.findall( if not transactions: return None for count, transaction in enumerate(transactions): response = + '\n\n' status_code = self._re_response_status_code.findall(response) parsed_response = self._re_response_parse.findall(response) # Somehow follow naming conventions from data.append({ 'request': self._re_request.findall(transaction)[0].strip() + '\n\n', 'status_code': status_code[0].strip() + '\n', 'headers': parsed_response[0][0].strip() + '\n\n', 'body': parsed_response[0][1].strip() + '\n\n' }){'ranking': constants.UNKNOWN, 'transactions': data}) return