Source code for ptp.libptp.parser


:synopsis: Define the basic :mod:`parser` classes that will parse the data from the report file.

.. moduleauthor:: Tao Sauvage


import os
import re
import fnmatch

import json
from lxml import etree

[docs]class AbstractParser(object): """Abstract representation of a parser. .. note:: This class will be extended for each pentesting tool. That way, each tool will add its own parsing specificities. """ #: :class:`str` -- Name of the tool. __tool__ = None #: :class:`str` -- Format of reports it supports. __format__ = None #: :class:`list` -- Versions it can supports. __version__ = ''
[docs] def __init__(self, pathname='./', filename='*', light=False, first=True): """Initialize :class:`AbstractParser`. :param str pathname: Path to the report directory. :param str filename: Regex matching the report file. :param bool light: `True` to only parse the ranking of the findings from the report. :param bool first: Only process first file (``True``) or each file that matched (``False``). """ #: :class:`str` -- Path to the report directory. self.pathname = pathname #: :class:`type` -- i/o stream of the report. = self.handle_file(pathname, filename, first=first) #: :class:`list` -- List of dict of the results found in the report. self.vulns = [] #: :class:`dict` -- Dict of the metadata found in the report. self.metadata = {} #: :class:`bool` -- Should fully parse the report or not. self.light = light
[docs] @staticmethod def _recursive_find(pathname='./', file_regex='*', first=True): """Retrieve the full path to the report file(s). :param str pathname: The root directory where to start searching. :param re file_regex: The regex that will be matched against all files from within `pathname`. :param bool first: Stop the search as soon as a file has been matched. :return: A list of path to the matched files that have been found. :rtype: list .. note:: The search occurs starting from `pathname` as the root directory. """ founds = [] for base, _, files in os.walk(pathname): try: is_str = isinstance(files, basestring) # Python 2.x. except NameError: is_str = isinstance(files, str) # Python 3.x. if is_str and fnmatch.fnmatch(files, file_regex): # Only one file has been found (str). founds.append(os.path.join(base, files)) else: # Several files have been found (list). matched_files = fnmatch.filter(files, file_regex) founds.extend(os.path.join(base, matched_file) for matched_file in matched_files) if founds and first: founds = [founds[0]] break return founds
[docs] @classmethod def handle_file(cls, pathname='./', filename='*', first=True): """Process the report file. :param str pathname: Path to the report directory. :param str filename: Regex matching the report file. :param bool first: Stop the search as soon as a file has been matched. :raises: :class:`NotImplementedError` because this is an abstract method. """ raise NotImplementedError('`handle_file` function MUST be defined for each parser.')
[docs] @classmethod def is_mine(cls): """Check if it can handle the report file. :raises: :class:`NotImplementedError` because this is an abstract method. """ raise NotImplementedError('`is_mine` function MUST be defined for each parser.')
[docs] @classmethod def check_version(cls, metadata, key='version'): """Checks the version in the metadata against the supported one(s). :param dict metadata: The metadata in which to find the version. :param str key: The :attr:`metadata` key containing the version value. :return: `True` if it can parse the report, `False` otherwise. :rtype: bool """ try: # Is there a non-empty result from re.findall? if list(filter(None, re.findall(cls.__version__, metadata[key], re.IGNORECASE))): return True except KeyError: pass return False
[docs] def parse_metadata(self): """Parse the metadata of a report. :raises: NotImplementedError because this is an abstract method. """ raise NotImplementedError('`parse_metadata` function MUST be defined for each parser.')
[docs] def parse_report(self): """Parse the results of a report file. :raises: NotImplementedError because this is an abstract method. """ raise NotImplementedError('`parse_report` function MUST be defined for each parser.')
[docs]class XMLParser(AbstractParser): """Specialized parser for XML files. Define the special :func:`handle_file` function in order to process the XML report file. """ #: str -- XMLParser only supports XML files. __format__ = 'xml'
[docs] def __init__(self, pathname='./', filename='*.xml', **kwargs): """Initialize :class:`XMLParser`.""" AbstractParser.__init__(self, pathname, filename, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def handle_file(cls, pathname='./', filename='*.xml', first=True): """Return the root node of the XML file. :param str pathname: Path to the report directory. :param str filename: Regex matching the report file. :param bool first: Stop the search as soon as a file has been matched. :raises IOError: when the report file cannot be found. :raises TypeError: when the report file has not the right extension. :raises lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError: when Lxml cannot parse the XML file. :return: handle on the root node element from the XML file. :rtype: :class:`lxml.etree._Element` """ fullpath = cls._recursive_find(pathname, filename, first=first) if not len(fullpath): raise IOError("Report matching '%s' cannot be found." % os.path.join(pathname, filename)) fullpath = fullpath[0] if not fullpath.endswith(cls.__format__): raise TypeError("This parser only supports '%s' files" % cls.__format__) return etree.parse(fullpath).getroot()
[docs]class FileParser(AbstractParser): """Specialized parser for generic report file(s). Define the special :func:`handle_file` function in order to process the generic report file. """
[docs] @classmethod def handle_file(cls, pathname='./', filename='*', first=True): """Return a string of the content of the file. :param str pathname: Path to the report directory. :param str filename: Regex matching the report file. :param bool first: Stop the search as soon as a file has been matched. :raises IOError: when the report file cannot be found or an error occurs when opening/reading. :raises OSError: when an error occurs when opening/reading the report file. :return: data from the file. :rtype: str """ fullpath = cls._recursive_find(pathname, filename, first=first) if not len(fullpath): raise IOError("Report matching '%s' cannot be found." % filename) fullpath = fullpath[0] data = '' with open(fullpath, 'r') as f: data = return data
[docs]class LineParser(AbstractParser): """Specialized parser for generic report files. Define the special :func:`handle_file` function in order to process the generic report file. .. note:: Contrary to :class:`FileParser`, this class reads the file line by line and return a :class:`list`, instead of a :class:`str`. """
[docs] @classmethod def handle_file(cls, pathname='./', filename='*', skip_empty=True, first=True): """Return a list of the lines of the file. :param str pathname: Path to the report directory. :param str filename: Regex matching the report file. :param bool first: Stop the search as soon as a file has been matched. :param bool skip_empty: skip the empty lines that can occur in the file if `True`, otherwise keep them. :raises IOError: when the report file cannot be found or an error occurs when opening/reading. :raises OSError: when an error occurs when opening/reading the report file. :return: all the data from the file, line by line. :rtype: list """ fullpath = cls._recursive_find(pathname, filename, first=first) if not len(fullpath): raise IOError("Report matching '%s' cannot be found." % filename) data = [] for current_file in fullpath: with open(current_file, 'r') as f: if skip_empty: data.extend([line.rstrip('\n\r') for line in f.readlines() if line.rstrip('\n\r')]) else: data.extend([line.rstrip('\n\r') for line in f.readlines()]) return data
class JSONParser(AbstractParser): """Specialized parser for JSON files. Define the special :func:`handle_file` function in order to process the JSON report file. """ #: str -- JSONParser only supports json files. __format__ = 'json' @classmethod def handle_file(cls, pathname='./', filename='*.json', first=True): """Return the dict of the JSON file. :param str pathname: Path to the report directory. :param str filename: Regex matching the report file. :param bool first: Stop the search as soon as a file has been matched. :raises IOError: when the report file cannot be found. :raises TypeError: when the report file has not the right extension. :raises ValueError: when json cannot parse the JSON file. """ fullpath = cls._recursive_find(pathname, filename, first=first) if not len(fullpath): raise IOError("Report matching '%s' cannot be found." % filename) fullpath = fullpath[0] if not fullpath.endswith(cls.__format__): raise TypeError("This parser only supports '%s' files" % cls.__format__) with open(fullpath, 'r') as data: return json.load(data)